巧克力水果塔 ❤ Chocolate Fruit Tart~Lovely and Delicious #littleduckkitchen

Try your hand at making a simple Tart to have a different Moo Moo year. Celebrate your Chinese New Year with this delicious Chocolate Fruit Tart with your friends and families. ❤Chocolate Fruit Tart Recipe: ~Ingredient: ❤Tart Shell Unsalted butter 100g Egg 1 Caster sugar 45g Plain flour 200g ❤Fillings Roasted almond JW Chocolate Spread Fruits 巧克力水果塔食谱 ❤塔皮 无盐黄油 100克 鸡蛋 1个 细砂糖 45克 普通面粉(中筋面粉)200克 ❤馅料 烘香杏仁粒 JW 巧克力抹酱 水果 ❤Great news! Now, a full range of JW Chocolate Spread is available at all major supermarkets and hypermarkets near you. Also, we are available for delivery on a nationwide basis. Start adding your JW Chocolate Spread Choco in the cart to share the happiness with everyone via: ❤Lazada https://www.lazada.com.my/products/jw-choco-chocolate-spread-350g-i847256147-s2038592719.html?spm=a2o4k.searchlist.list.1.31495553ApK2cR&search=1 ❤Shopee https://shopee.com.my/JW-Chocolate-Spread-350G-i.35600009.7519148892 ❤Dmart.my https://www.dmart.my/SalePage/Index/207039
